Rsync transfer statistics
I wanted to take a look at the total amount of data that would be transferred for an rsync operation. Running
/usr/bin/rsync --dry-run -avhz --delete -e ssh /sourcepath destserver:/destpath
would give the the Total Size of the /sourcepath but not the amount transferred. Adding --stats will give you the amount of data that needs to be transferred to get the /sourcepath and /destpath in sync
/usr/bin/rsync --dry-run -ahz --stats --delete -e ssh /sourcepath destserver:/destpath
/usr/bin/rsync --dry-run -avhz --delete -e ssh /sourcepath destserver:/destpath
would give the the Total Size of the /sourcepath but not the amount transferred. Adding --stats will give you the amount of data that needs to be transferred to get the /sourcepath and /destpath in sync
/usr/bin/rsync --dry-run -ahz --stats --delete -e ssh /sourcepath destserver:/destpath
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