
Showing posts from April, 2011

Stop OS X bouncing Dock icons

Hallelujah! These drive me nutty some times. Highlights: Open Terminal  defaults write no-bouncing -bool TRUE  killall Dock To reenable: Open Terminal  defaults write no-bouncing -bool FALSE  killall Dock Source

Rsync transfer statistics

I wanted to take a look at the total amount of data that would be transferred for an rsync operation. Running  /usr/bin/rsync --dry-run -avhz --delete -e ssh /sourcepath destserver:/destpath would give the the Total Size of the /sourcepath but not the amount transferred. Adding --stats will give you the amount of data that needs to be transferred to get the /sourcepath and /destpath in sync /usr/bin/rsync --dry-run -ahz --stats --delete -e ssh /sourcepath destserver:/destpath

Samsung Intercept on Virgin Mobile

I've been using the Samsung Intercept on Virgin Mobile since Dec. 2010. I thought I'd take a little time and writeup my experience with the phone and the service. This is my first smartphone. I've always been fine using a "feature" phone since my primary use was calls with an occasional text. I was using a Samsung T401g and the Net10 service. It worked great for me. The problem was that I was carrying an iPod touch and the Samsung phone and decided I was tired of carrying two devices in my pockets all the time. I use Google services heavily and thought it would be handy to be able to enter items in my Google calendar as they are setup. Previously I would enter items into my Google Calendar on my computer and then have text messages sent to my phone to alert me. That worked great but I wanted the ability to add them on the phone. That and going down to one device was also appealing. My problem was that I didn't want to pay at least $70/month for service. At ...

ssh-add could not open a connection

Ever try to run ssh-add and get this message? Could not open a connection to your authentication agent Run this command exec ssh-agent /bin/bash or just add that to your .bash_profile so it runs on login.

CentOS 5.5 fails on install

There's a known bug in CentOS 5.x that causes install to fail if you select the Extras repositories during the setup process. So DO NOT chose the Extras repository when you install.