Lenses again

I've figured out a great way to save money on lenses. Simply research them so much that you become thoroughly confused about which one you should buy. You then sit on your hands forever continuing to research and get some clarity. It's working well so far.
I think I've actually narrowed down my choices to three. The Sigma 17-70 2.8 to 4 and the Tamron 28-75 2.8. I like that both lenses cover the typical portrait range which is what I'm most interested in. And finally the Sigma 24-70 EX Macro. I like that the one Sigma has a wider range and seems like it would be a better everyday lens. I'm waiting to see some more reviews of it but the reviews of it's predecessor seem pretty positive. Reviews of the 24-70 EX seems excellent as well and that is a Sigma EX lens which is supposed to be a more solid build.
It all boiled down to figuring out what kind of photographer I am. I am never going to try to make money off this hobby. I might do an occasional portrait shoot for someone but I'm not going to pursue this as a money maker. In that case, it just didn't make sense for me to put money into Canon L lenses. They are great lenses but double or triple the price of a Sigma or Tamron lenses. And the Tamron and Sigma lenses get generally very good reviews.
So I think I'll let those thoughts simmer a little while longer but that seems to be what's sticking in my mind and more importantly what "feels" right.


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