
I have simple needs for managing my photos. I want to be able to easily organize them. Right now I use iPhoto and love it. I don't care about how iPhoto stores photos in Events. I end up tagging all photos and have a bunch of Smart Albums to sort it all out. I love that I have a bunch of keys mapped for tagging photos. Apparently I've set shortcuts up correctly because I can remember 3 months later what my tag was for a certain person.
I've been playing around with Picasa on the Mac lately and I really like it. It was easy to pick up and start using. I've been playing around with the facial recognition in it and it works amazingly well and I like how it has a People section so I can see all photos for a person, much like the Smart Albums in iPhoto except it recognizes people for me, I don't have to tag a photo. The tagging, however, seems lacking in Picasa. I can't setup the key shortcuts like I can in iPhoto and having keyboard shortcuts is significantly faster than having to move the mouse and click on the right tag. Hopefully Picasa changes how they do tagging. If they do I just might have to switch.


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