
Showing posts from January, 2016

Too many files for ls

Using ls you receive the error that there are too many arguments: Example: find /path/to/files/ -name "*.ZIP" -exec basename {} \;

Get path to current script in Python

import os os . path . dirname ( os . path . realpath ( __file__ ))   Source

Python string formatting in print statements

#!/usr/bin/env python # Format using a dictionary print '%(language)s has %(number)03d quote types.' % { "language" : "Python" , "number" : 2 } # Format using a list print '%s has %03d quote types.' % ( "Python" , 2 ) # Best method print '{} has {} quote types.'.format ( "Python" , 2 ) Planning to post more code snippets this year to remind me of how to do various things in Python. Source: Pyformat