Python quick bits
Just random Python quick bits to jar my memory List mylist=['item1','item2','3'] Index starts at 0 for myitem in mylist: code here methods: append() pop() extend() # append list of items ['item4','item5'] insert(position,"item6)remote("item2") Dictionary mydictionary={'tag1':'item1','tag2':'item2'} Reference items by keys for mykey in mydictionary.keys() code here Object types in Python: int, dict, list, str Testing for object type: isinstance(variable,type) var1='foo' isinstance(var1,str) User input from the command line: import sys variable=raw_input("Enter user question here: ") Length of list: len(list) Strings To work with strings: import string mystring.split() # default delimeter is spaces with multiple spaces treated as one for item in list: do something with item for piece in string: do somethign with piece Working ...