Greenplum external table single column of data
Had to work with some data that was one column of data in a fixed width format. Solution was to create an external table that was one column then use substr function to pull out the data. External table: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE trmtmp_ext_table ( col1 text ) LOCATION ( 'gpfdist://host-1:port/path/trmtmp.out', 'gpfdist://host-2:port/path/trmtmp.out', 'gpfdist://host-3:port/path/trmtmp.out' ) FORMAT 'text' LOG ERRORS INTO trmtmp_err_ext_table SEGMENT REJECT LIMIT 5 ROWS; View of the external table: DROP VIEW trmtmp_view_ext_tbl; CREATE VIEW trmtmp_view_ext_tbl AS ( SELECT substr(col1,1,2) AS col1, substr(col1,3,5) AS col2 FROM trmtmp_ext_table ); Extrapolate from there.