
Showing posts from December, 2011

Net10 is a frustrating company

I'm done with Net10.  I've had a phone with them since June 2011. I originally signed up for the $15/month plan for 200 minutes. It worked great.  I was charged 1 unit/minute of talk and .25 units/text. I was able to calculate everything out and figured out adding a 900 min Pay As You Go would supplement and get me through the year, or so I thought. I was still being charged the standard 1 unit for each minute of talk and .25 units/min for texting. In October I decided to try the $25/month plan for 750 minutes. No rollover with that plan but I figured it would be the perfect plan. Net10, however, is not up front about any of the costs on their plan. Oh sure, they'll respond to an email and tell you the costs are buried in the terms and conditions and indeed they are. However, an honest company would simply put that right on the plan page so you know the change in charges between plans. So I changed and began to be charged 1 unit/text, up from the .25 units/text on the other...

Query last 5 installed rpms by date

rpm -qa --queryformat '%{installtime} (%{installtime:date}) %{name}\n' |  sort -n | tail -5 Source: