Changing the email address on your Nike + iPod acount
These directions worked on a Mac running 10.5.8. I recently changed the email address on my Nike+ account. Getting to sync properly with iTunes again was a tad challenging. I basically followed the steps here but I did not reset my iPod. I lost a few runs because I didn't do things in the proper order. 1. Uncheck the automatically send workout data to in the Nike + iPod tab in iTunes and sync your iPod (in iTunes) without new workouts on your iPod. 2. Get a new workout recorded on your iPod. It can simply be walking around for 5 or 10 seconds. 3. Log in to Nike+ using Safari. 4. Connect your iPod with an unsynced run/walk 5. Recheck the automatically send workout data to in the Nike + iPod in iTunes and click Apply. Your new Login ID is hopefully now showing in iTunes.